Forgotten Vows of the Carabaos

Forgotten Vows of the Carabaos

By: Gabrielle A. Palma


Stinking smell that lingers in the nose as the tears are dripping rapidly from the eyes. The heart is slowly shattering as the feet unhurriedly walk towards the awful corner. In her arms, there lies an existence—a wonderful one. Yet vanishes and expires as she rests it on the surface. Drifted away and suddenly, “Ay! Tae ng kalabaw.” Stepped on the disgusting thing coated with nasty guilt. Beside, is a child—abandoned and forgotten. 

Living in a twisted system ruled by various oppressors, life of the poor in the Philippines, is indeed a deprived one. Leaving every decision and fate with no choice, but to pull everything about them just to survive even if it means scratching a part of their dignity and principle. 

This is where the circumstance of child abandonment enters the discourse lay upon the table. As the pressing issues continue to surge such as poverty that leads to a financial problem, broken marriage, and teenage pregnancy—which is very rampant in the country, newborns are stuck in the borderline between existing or rejected. 



It is a common joke among ordinary families of each Filipino household about the waste released by the carabao when one is teased that someone is either adopted or stranded; and just picked up after by a certain family. For instance, “pinulot ka lang sa tae ng kalabaw.” However, flipping the other side of the coin, jokes are half meant and some kids are actually suffering from it. 

This actually occurs when a parent or guardian decides to disregard a child without any reasonable justification nor thinking their physical well-being, healthcare and overall welfare. Not being able to maximize in sustaining their basic needs and not having enough communication is considered too. For a child to achieve its holistic growth, they must be nurtured and developed not just physically but also mentally. 

Connecting with their minds and uniting with their hearts is a special scheme because kids are not just simply a thing just for the fulfilment within yourself or just someone who can look after the elders when the time comes. They are humans and they matter. 

Fortunately, laws are implemented to further give care and settle children into a more prospering place where they can actually feel home and live as a normal kid. One is the Presidential Decree No. 603, The Child and Youth Welfare Code, wherein child is seen as the future of the country. Hence, has the right to access to the civic rights and responsibilities. 

Furthermore, there are visible laws for legal adoption. As per the Republic Act No. 9523, it allows the Department of Social Welfare and Development to declare protection and assistance to those who are abused, surrendered and neglected. 



Just like how people often think of why they are doing such decision, the disregarded is often left with the questions of not just only why but also how. How come did they just put in such a wasted condition similar to the waste of a carabao? 

Being a victim of repression establishes a domino effect in an individual life. Imagine being surrendered, queries about your entire existence comes after. No one deserves to be stuck in a horrible situation—may it be an ill-scented case or an ill-fated setting. 

Of unremembered promises fostered to a child from its parent are forgotten vows rendered by the carabaos to its farming land. A child is as equally significant as the cultivated soil through its fecal material released. For in the future, it is the kid who will transform wastes into a significant organic matter that will always matter; a kid not beside or on the “tae ng kalabaw” but in a haven, in a home—nurtured and cherished.


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