Being Plantitos and Plantitas

Being Plantitos and Plantitas

By: Jenn


A lot of times, we indulge ourselves to thinking about a lot of stuff. Happiness, worries, debts, and death. Then we get addicted to it. But then again in this season, I thought what should we get addicted into? 


Being under the community quarantine for almost half a year, a lot of us discovered who we really are. A lot of us have discovered new hobbies, new skills, new love, new passion and new career. But the most important thing I have seen today is the people’s addiction to life. 


Yes, I clearly see that. That we choose life over death. We became more health conscious. We became more vigilant. We became more careful. And that also means discovering ways on how to be resilient and shrug worries during these troubled times.


In the Philippines a lot have also discovered a new addiction- the addiction to plants. If we go on the social media, needless to say that a lot have engaged to the newest trend of collecting plants. We call guys and girls who are into it- the Plantitos and Plantitas. Collecting both indoor and outdoor plants during the quarantine have taken the spotlight in the social media as most Plantitos and Plantitas have a lot of time to spare showing their gardening skills.


Checking on the internet, a lot of experts actually say that gardening in general is therapeutic and is good for our mental health. It lessens depression and anxieties. So, I dig a little deeper. I started observing people-and by that, I mean family and my friends. 


How does one become a Plantito or Plantita?


These are some notes that I was able to take:


1. Deciding what plants you want to take care of.

There’s a lot of options out there to think about, when we ask ourselves “What plant do I want to have?” Popular option I would say are varieties of cactus (succulents) and snake plants. And looking into the internet, other popular option is the spider plant.


2. Deciding how you want to style your plants may it be indoors or outdoors.

I noticed that a lot have shown their styling prowess on this one. As others opted to put some plants indoors, maximizing the space through decluttering is very important to also maximize the plants’ warmth and beauty to add into the ambience that you want your interior to have. While others also take time gardening in their back and front yard, doing the landscaping and deciding what plants to put in big pots beautiful pots.


3. Researching about where to buy trending plants and pots in the internet.

These Plantitos and Plantitas would go extra mile in looking for the best plants to put in their gardens and in their houses. They would look over in the shopping sites for stylish or trendy pots that would fit to the collection of plants they are starting to have. Some makes their own, some would buy them at a price. Others would go extra by engaging into barters or some would just ask neighbors if they could propagate desired plants.


Deciding on becoming a Plantito or Plantita comes with a responsibility. It would definitely eat some of your time for the watering, the cleaning and other maintenance it needs for the plant to thrive. But the most important thing to remember while you’re at it is to HAVE FUN. Be happy by being addicted to life by growing a life that is just right by your doorstep. 



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