Colors of Life: Lost in the Realm of You Through the Shades of Hue

Colors of Life: Lost in the Realm of You Through the Shades of Hue

By: Armani

A pair of rounded eyes was pierced in an unfamiliar thing left on the table. With confusion in the young mind, the small-boned child got closer. Those tiny hands touched. It was a cube with various of colors. Diverse and peculiar, the kid thought. She moved it counterclockwise and the next thing she knew she was in another dimension. 

Way back until today, anything that works with the mind is still concealed in a stigma. Whatever dwells in the mentality of an individual seems to be obscured in a discourse. Hence, people that are struggling seems to seek a way of somewhat escape from the reality. One instance is the boom of “psychedelity.” 

According to Humphry Osmond, a British psychologist, it lingers with mind manifesting. It deals with consciousness, altered senses and hallucination. On another note, it can be associated with expression of arts through animations, visuals and spectrums. Of hues and colors idling in the phantom mind, could real life circumstances possibly persist in heart? 

It was all green. Nothing but pure freshness of her lips forming a wide and sweet smile are visible. She was adored by everyone. They wished nothing but her wonderful growth and youthful years. She nurtured all the natural surrounding her. Healing and hope rose in the season of spring. She picked up again the vibrant cube and switched to another hue. The next thing she knew, she was in a different world. 

Bewildered with the shining light upon her whole physique, she was dazzled. For everything in her vision was yellow. Radiating sunshine and genuine joy. Needless to say, she laughed with optimism not minding the dull that may come along her way. She was cheerfully young and carefree. After rounds of playing, she touched what she was bringing all along and targeted the next dye. The next thing she knew, she was in an unusual place. 

The continuation of her mysterious saga set forth as displaying all white. The next haven felt home for she was longing for safety and softness. With the innocence and peace, she was exhibiting, all that pondered was purity and perfection. It was just bright until she was deprived from sight. What was illuminating was the cruelty of her reality. She decided to shift into the different color and the next thing she knew, she was in a strange area. 

Astonished as she landed, cries and sobs were all that surfaced. Everything was blue. With perfectly shaped figure, she was mindful. Representing the vast space, she belongs, she was no longer emitting the same positivity. In the shadows of confidence, there was sorrow that is transparent. She understood yet she cannot bring back the pieces of purpose. With a lonely remark, she turned to the after pigment and the next thing she knew, she was in an uncanny setting. 

The new spot was refreshing. There was the smell of roses and love. It was red all around. There, she found another desire of starting again. Her lips formed a pleasant smile until he resumed in moving her feet. The beam faded and transformed into a frown. It was screaming revolution and blood. She wanted her life over for it was becoming darker from the beginning until where she is today. Her sight transported again to the cube. One last, she stated. Then, she rotated it clockwise. The next thing she knew, she was in a scene where she cannot even see herself. 

In that realm, she blinked and realized, it was rubik's cube she was holding. A representation of life stages and how it commonly functions as you age especially in the field of psychology. It magnificently inaugurates how the colors significantly affected someone's grasp of emotions. Hence, the transparency of extreme integration of exhilaration and melancholy. 

Soften by the touches of catastrophes and triumphs, the vanishing colors unfold black, the real face of a bare Rubrik’s cube. Often, described as a menace, a demise and as an absence of light. However, it unlocked another purpose. The last phase may be considered as death yet it could be a chance. Turn on another psyche and present a kaleidoscope, a new pattern to follow and view. 

Life is perceived as colorful as what the delightful brain thought. Nevertheless, let us not debunk the dullness. The mind could wonder and yourself might get lost in the sphere of hues and this is perfectly fine. Let it be black and let the other colors flow underneath until you are ready to adjust the cube and repaint again. Just like how it is played, it is a process.


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