Staying Positive in these Trying Times

Staying Positive in these Trying Times

By: MarkMyWords

Our country is facing an unprecedented test. In a short period, our lives have changed in unimaginable ways: things that we took for granted – like eating at a restaurant or going to a movie – are no longer possible in many places. Thousands of people are falling seriously ill from COVID-19 and the disease is spreading exponentially in many places. Societies are in turmoil and economies are in nose-dive.

We have become more than often than not, too preoccupied with the vicissitudes and predicaments in life that we are unable to harness the vast and unlimited resources we inherently possess to a bright future. As if we are already doomed in what has become a hopeless society that we do not take time to watch beautiful sunset and smell fragrance of flowers anymore. 

Take a heart! Our world is not all miser and woe. After all, it was a loving, caring, and merciful God who designed and created it. His handiwork in nature reflects His desire that we remain comfortable in His love. Believe it or not, panacea to our trouble is within our control. It is believed that the more we think and concentrate on the ills around us, the more we retrogress and wallow in suffering and distress. What we allow our minds to dwell on is what we become.

Of significant note is that crises do not make us, they show what we are. This is demonstrated when we as people are pushed to a corner, such as during a national crisis, there evolves an unexplainable spirit that brings out the best in each of us. Once fragmented by our temperament and divided by our selfish concerns, we suddenly become one in a bond of brotherhood. 

A crisis drawn us together in a solemn reflection of what it means to us in the present. It strengthens our resolve to face the challenges and prospect in the future. Many observe that our ability to come in times of crisis drives it strength from our closeness as a family unit.

If we want to become successful in all our dealings in life, we must be ready to make sacrifices and to share our goods with our neighbors. Nevertheless, we should always remember and be inspired by the ultimate gift God gave us – our life; to be saved from the bondage of evil and that there will be peace on Earth and goodwill towards mankind. 


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