Here is to Those Who Think They Are Just Mediocre
Here is to Those Who Think They Are Just Mediocre By Gabrielle A. Palma Just average . Terms that are usually coined with our names. Not actually digging deeper to the struggles and successes beyond the hands that overwork, mind that overthinks and heart that over-understands. Surviving in a setting where everyone is fed up with such high expectations. People often perceive any work should come out best, if not, better. We always tend to unconsciously neglect what is just good. Because honestly, sometimes it gets tiring to overachieve when you know for a fact that it is not always a matter of exceeding something but just being enough. To those who think they are mediocre, you are not. You are just waiting for the moment—your right time, your right place, and your right path. Sometimes, the booze and galore in every drink just do not make sense and make the situation even more chaotic. It is okay to just pour a little bit and then just fill it again when empty. To thos...